Nepal Bankers’ Association (NBA) in collaboration with International Finance
Corporation (IFC), organized workshop on “Fintech Development in Nepal”. The program objective was
to discuss the challenges, opportunities and the status of current Digital Financial Service (DFS) market
in Nepal and in glob.
In the program, Ms. Nilima Chhabilal Ramteke – Global Payment Systems Development Specialist from
The World Bank delivered a presentation on Fintech Development in Nepal, where she shared the
priorities for the banking sector in the DFS and World Bank Group’s experiences from Nepal as well as
region/global. In the interaction, the participants expressed the Nepal’s experience on current status of
DFS too and also provided suggestions on how digital financial service can be flourished more effectively
for developing countries like Nepal and significant role to be played by IFC in such areas.
Mr. Ashim Nepal – Operations Officer (IFC), Mr. Dilip Santlani – Digital Financial Services Expert (IFC),
Ms. Suvekshya Bhandari- Consultant (IFC), Mr. Siddhartha Prasai- Country Analyst (IFC), Chief
Information Technology officers and Digital Banking Officers of Commercial Banks and the NBA officials
participated in the program.