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CTO Roundtable on Cloud Technology


Kathmandu:  Amazon Internet Services Pvt Ltd. (AISPL) and Genese Software solution in coordination with Nepal Bankers Association organized a CTO Roundtable on Cloud Technology where Mr. Chandra Balani (AISPL), Business Development Manager, EROI, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Maldives, highlighted on the innovation and digital transformation.  Similarly Mr. Diptiman Raichaudhuri (AISPL), Solution Architect spoke about the security and

Revealing the Mystery of Actuarial Valuation


Kathmandu: NBA in coordination with TIMES Research & Training Institute organized a three day workshop on “Revealing the Mystery of Actuarial Valuation”. The objective of the workshop was to provide insights on actuarial valuation and NAS 19 employee benefits; to develop in-house experts for monthly/quarterly/on-demand valuations by themselves; to impart practical knowledge on calculating actuarial

NFRS on Financial Instruments: Classification & Impairment (Loan Loss Provision)


Kathmandu: NBA in coordination with TIMES Research & Training Institute organized a training program on “NFRS on Financial Instruments: Classification & Impairment (Loan Loss Provision)”. The objective of the program was to provide insights on the impairment testing model as per NAS 39; to impart practical knowledge on impairment testing (loan loss provision) with illustrative

Understanding NFRS Complied Financial Statements and Regulatory Challenges


Kathmandu: NBA in coordination with Society of Economic Journalist- Nepal (SEJON) organized a half day event “Understanding NFRS Complied Financial Statements and Regulatory Challenges” with an aim to orient journalist about the NFRS complied financial statements. During the event the Chief Guest, Dr. Chiranjibi Nepal, Governor, Nepal Rastra Bank, highlighted on the Central Bank’s vision

Global Cyber Security Summit 2018


Kathmandu: Nepal Bankers’ Association participated in an event  “Global Cyber Security Summit 2018” jointly organized by Information Security Response Team Nepal (NPCERT) and ICT Frame Magazine Pvt. Ltd. The objective of the event was to build global alliance for cyber resilience by bringing in contemporary issues of cyber security, mitigation strategies, and solutions with comprehensive

Seminar on NFRS based financial statements: Format and Practical Issues


Kathmandu: NBA in coordination with TIMES Research & Training Institute organized a half day seminar on “NFRS based financial statements: Format and Practical Issues” with the aim to provide ease on implementation of NFRS and to understand the implementation modality of NFRS as required by NRB. Some major highlights of the seminar was – NFRS

Program on Recovery of Debts of BFI Act / Rules


July 2, 2018, Kathmandu: NBA in coordination with Debt Recovery Appellate Tribunal organized an interaction program to discuss on “Recovery of Debts of BFI Act/Rules” where participants from different sectors including officials from DRAT, Commercial Banks, Development Banks, Ministry of Finance and Nepal Rastra Bank were present. The event mainly discussed on “Recovery of Debts

Seminar on Perils of Cyber Crime


June 12, 2018 – Nepal Bankers’ Association, in coordination with Microsoft, organized a program on “Perils of Cyber Crime”. Representatives from Nepal Rastra Bank and CEOs, along with senior management from the member banks were invited to the program. The event was chaired by Mr. Chinta Mani Siwakoti, Deputy Governor, Nepal Rastra Bank. Mr. Gyanendra

Workshop on Agriculture Lending: Challenges and Opportunities


May 4, 2018, Kathmandu: Nepal Bankers’ Association organised a half day workshop on “Agriculture Lending: Challenges and Opportunities” where Mr. Gyanendra Prashad Dhungana, President, Nepal Bankers’ Association formally started the event by giving his opening remarks and was followed by the key note speech of Mr. Narayan Poudel, Executive Director, Nepal Rastra Bank. Presenter Mr.

Risk Management in Hydropower


April 27, 2018, Kathmandu: Nepal Bankers’ Association in coordination with WWF and IPPAN organised a half day workshop on “Risk Management in Hydropower”.The event was formally commenced after the welcome remarks from Mr. Prabal Bhattarai, IPPAN and Mr. Sunil K.C., member, NBA. Following the presentation from Dr. Jeorg Hartmann on “ Introduction: What Makes Hydropower