March 29, 2018, Kathmandu: Nepal Bankers’ Association, Women Act and Nepal Bangladesh Bank jointly organized a “National Seminar on the Role of the Private Sector for Women’s Economic Empowerment in Nepal” where Dr. Chiranjibi Nepal, Governor of Nepal Rastra Bank was present as the Chief Guest for the event. The Special Guest for the event Mr. Gyanendra P. Dhungana, President of Nepal Bankers’ Association, was one of the speaker where he highlighted on women’s economic empowerment and role of private sector in it. Economist, Feminist Scholar, Researcher and Writer Dr. Meena Acharya delivered Key Note Speech at the event. Dr. Jagadish C. Pokharel (Former Vice Chair, National Planning Commission), Dr. Hiramani Ghimire (Economic Policy Specialist, Former Executive Director of SAWTEE), and Dr. Usha Jha (Expert on Women’s Economic Empowerment and CEO of Samjhauta Nepal) presented as panelists for the event.