May 4, 2018, Kathmandu: Nepal Bankers’ Association organised a half day workshop on “Agriculture Lending: Challenges and Opportunities” where Mr. Gyanendra Prashad Dhungana, President, Nepal Bankers’ Association formally started the event by giving his opening remarks and was followed by the key note speech of Mr. Narayan Poudel, Executive Director, Nepal Rastra Bank. Presenter Mr. Bam Bahadur Mishra, Director, Nepal Rastra Bank highlighted on the Policy Initiatives of NRB on Agriculture Sector Lending. Similarly Mr. Dipen M.S. Pradhan, on behalf of NBA and Mr. Shirish Pun, Senior Agro Economist- MoALMC, presented on “Agriculture Lending: Challenges and Opportunities” and “Commercialisation of Agriculture: Prospects on Agriculture Lending” respectively. The second half of the workshop had a discussion session, which was Moderated by Mr. Suman Joshi, followed by the summary and closing remarks from Mr. Ashok Sherchan, Executive Committee Member, NBA.