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Risk Management – Demystifying Advanced Approach to Risk Management

On 29th September 2021, in coordination with the Standard Chartered Bank Nepal Ltd, Nepal Bankers’ Association arranged a session on Risk Management. During the session, Mr. Vincent Loh, Chief Risk Officer, Singapore & Cluster Chief Risk Officer ASEAN Markets, SCB made a presentation on “Demystifying Advanced Approach to Risk Management”.   The session provided essential

Steward Leadership Session

On Thursday 9 September 2021, Nepal Bankers Association and FMO jointly organized the “Steward Leadership Session” aiming to start the conversation towards a constructive Environmental & Social Guidelines (ESG) approach. The session was intended for the Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer of member banks. The session provided essential knowledge & insights into the current thinking

Tree Plantation Event at Surkhet

Nepal Bankers’ Association (NBA) Karnali Province Committee organized a ‘Tree Plantation Program” on Saturday, September 4, 2021, at Lake Bulbule premise, Birendranagar Surkhet. This program was conducted with the intention of promoting greenery, a clean environment as well as the aesthetically pleasing landscape in the town of Birendranagar thereby substantiating internal tourism in Surkhet and

Consultation Meeting on Family-Friendly Policy/Practices in Banking Sector


Nepal Bankers’ Association & UNICEF Nepal jointly organized Consultation Meeting on Family-Friendly Policy/Practices in Banking Sector on 25 August 2021. The meeting discussed the necessity of Work & Family Life Balance accompanying three major resources; time, finances & services that shall have a positive impact on children’s development & wellbeing. Besides, the meeting also discussed

Webinar on Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (ICAAP)


Nepal Bankers’ Association & RIMS jointly conducted a webinar program on Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (ICAAP) Implementation on 19th August, 2021. The webinar discussed on management of the risk profile and capital requirements of bank in today’s risk environment along with internal procedures and processes required to ensure adequate capital resources in the long

Financial Literacy at Karnali Province


March 22, 2021, Nepal Bankers’ Association (NBA) Karnali Province Committee, supported by NBA, Kathmandu organized 1-day Banking Awareness/Financial Literacy Program amongst local entrepreneurs and banking customers of Birendra Nagar Municipality, Karnali Province, at Birendranagar, Surkhet. This program was designed with special focus on Digital Banking, Basics of Credit and Tax regulation. Further, information regarding subsidized

Discussion Session on “Understanding the Social Security Fund: Opportunities and Challenges”


December 22, Kathmandu: Samriddhi Foundation hosted a public discussion session on “Understanding the Social Security Fund: Opportunities and Challenges” to address significant concerns and confusions regarding its operationalization and administration that have been raised recently. The event held a moderated panel discussion wherein the Executive Director of NBA, Executive Director of Social Security Fund and

Round Table Discussion on Open Data for Business (OD4B)


December 19, 2019, Kathmandu: Nepal Bankers’ Association in partnership with World Bank organized a Round Table Discussion on “Open Data for Business (OD4B)” in the presence of Dr. Gunakar Bhatta, Executive Director – Research Department, Nepal Rastra Bank and senior executives from the member banks representing different departments. The roundtable primarily focused on how banks

Promoting Environmental and Social Standards in the Hydropower Industry in Nepal


November 22, 2019 Kathmandu: Nepal Bankers’ Association & Independent Power Producers’ Association Nepal, together joined in the commitments to drive long-term sustainable growth, safeguard the environment and to deliver measurable benefits to society and the real economy through hydropower activities, responsible financing decisions. The approaches to attain such desirable outcomes include: Making and getting uptake

Banking Summit 2019


September 17, 2019 Kathmandu: NBA, in coordination with Business TV Nepal, organized “Banking Summit 2019”. The event was organized with an objective to discuss upon global banking practices and cutting edge technology in banking sector, the fresh discourse in the contemporary banking system, risk management, challenge of foreign fund management, banks in startup and innovative